6u coaches pitch baseball league.
- First practice - August 22nd
- First game - August 29th
- Registration deadline - August 13th
- Season length - 7 weeks, 6 total games
Teams will be randomly selected upon registration completion.
All games will run for one hour on Thursdays with start times at 5:30 and 6:30. Games will be played at Speer Field (Strickfaden) and Briar Middle School. Each batter will receive five pitches to hit the ball, if the ball is not hit within the five pitches a tee will be utilized. There will be no score kept or outs recorded during the games.
- Each athlete will receive a T-shirt to use for games and can keep upon season completion
- Each athlete may use their own equipment, if equipment is needed it will be provided
- A liability waiver will be emailed to each registrant and must be completed prior to first practice
Any questions regarding league or signup please contact Jalen Santoro at 419-217-4174